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Why People Love to Snowboard

Why do people love to snowboard? It is an interesting question and of course I know why I love to snowboard, but as everyone says you should never asumme. So, I decided to ask a range of people the same question and see what they had to say…

"I love the freedom and trills of snowboarding"

“I LOVE snowboarding because it is challenging, and every day you have the opportunity to learn something new- whether its a new 'trick', something you hear from someone you meet, or just something about yourself.”

“I love EVERYTHING about Snowboarding. Very hard to put into words. Being outside and in nature and in places that would be hard to get to without the Ski/Board resorts. Getting to see nature's beauty through the experience of snowboarding. Just being outside in the fresh air and the feeling of being one with nature. This feeling occurs even when at some of the busier resorts. The FUN and THRILL of riding that snowboard through differing types of snow terrain…”

“I can’t describe it – it’s that feeling in your stomach of excitement. The morning you wake up and you know you are going snowboarding. There is no hesitation to get out of bed and get going. Ah, just thinking about it makes me smile!”

“I'm going with the 'picture says a thousand words' theory?!!! (as per picture below) Just looking at that pic makes me smile now, cause that was such a fun day and that's what it's all about, fun day with smiley faces.”



Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Sat, 24th May 2014

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