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The Best Start to a New Zealand Ski Season Ever!

Warning: By continuing to read on, you're opening up your heart to potentially overwhelming snow envy... which may end up with you coming to New Zealand for a snowboard or ski holiday....

I know, that is a pretty dramatic warning and title for a blog - but it is nothing but true! Seriously, I can’t even remember one that has started with such a bang as this one has!

Here are some astonishing quick facts, on the June 27th snow levels:

Cardrona has 65cm - 1.25 metre base Captain's Basin at Cardrona Alpine Resort. Photo Credit: Cardrona Alpine Resort
Treble Cone has a 94cm - 2 metre + base
Mt Hutt has a 3.2 metre base! What!? (that's taller than me!)
Ohau has a 1.2 - 1.6 metre base
Coronet Peak has a 85cm base
The Remarkables a 92cm base
Dobson is buried! Well.. actually it has a 1.80 metre base (also taller than me!)
Round Hill has a 1.5 - 2 metre base


The snow is incredible – it’s light and it’s dry. There is a hive of activity about town, and a buzz of excitement in the air. Everyone seems to be wearing ski or snowboard gear and of course a huge grin! 

To help make you smile too,  I have also created a couple of photo galleries of this amazing snow. Click here to view them.

So, enjoy the photos and I hope I get to share some of this snow with you soon!!

Until then... 

.                          -Paula

Side Note: It’s not to late to book your snowboard or ski holiday with us… click here to email me  I would love to hear from you. Another warning though.. you might not want to go home!

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Thu, 27th Jun 2013

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