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5 Ways to Keep Warm in Winter

#1 Find a Good Fire Place
Stand up close and personal with a good fire place. Or pull up a chair, as close as you can. Watch out for nylon stocking – we don’t want you to melt! And remember to rotate! Fireplaces are number one on my list, as nothing beats the radiant heat from a fire. Ah, they are just so good!

#2 Wear a Down Jacket (Aka Puffa Jacket)
Duck down, goose down it doesn’t matter, so long as it is down. Down is a super insulating feather, found on birds. They stuff lots of these feathers into a jacket and voila! – Now that will keep you tasty warm, no doubt about it! 

#3 Hot Chocolate Hot Chocolate
Go out and get a hot chocolate, or make your own. No other hot drink beats it. It’s warm, smooth and better yet it tastes chocolaty! Not only does it warm you from the inside out, you can clasp your hands around it too. Don’t forget the marshmallows, the more the better!

#4 Hike the Halfpipe
Of course I had to add this one in! Most of you will have no interest at all in hiking the halfpipe, but it sure did keep me warm for a few winters. If you are on a skiing holiday you are likely to stick with my other options!

#5 Group Hug
The group hug is our last idea of how to keep warm. A group hug not only gives you warmth from whoevers arms are around you, but also that warm fuzzy feeling you get from being cared for just adds to that inner warmth. Best thing about these is they are free!

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Fri, 14th Jun 2013

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