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Amber Arazny Awesome Aussie Snowboarder

Amber Arazny is one of Australia’s top female snowboarders. She rides it all; jumps, rails and halfpipe. She has got it all really, she rips on a snowboard, is super cute and is just hands down a genuinely nice girl! I was lucky enough to catch up with Amber today – she has a very busy schedule, juggling work, university studies, and dry land training (gym work). Let see what she had to say…

Name: Amber Arazny
Age: 22
Sport and discipline: Snowboarding - halfpipe
Nationality: Australian

Thanks Amber for taking the time to chat with us today. How are you? And how is it to be back home is Australia?
I'm great thanks. I love being back in Aus and being home again! I’m always away for so long travelling and snowboarding - which is incredible - but there’s nothing like coming home, going surfing, catching up with friends and enjoying some quality time. Being away definitely makes me appreciate everything we get to enjoy here in Australia.

So what is on the cards for the next few months?
Well I definitely have a lot of Uni work to catch up on so that’ll probably take priority! Apart from that I’ll be working, and spending some much-needed time catching up and hanging out with family and friends. Having been recently named to the Australian Winter Olympic Shadow Team, I’ll be getting into the gym as much as possible to make sure I’m fit and ready for when winter rolls around again. Oh, and surfing and tanning as much as possible haha!

Cool, so does that mean after you are all surfed out and tanned - you will be visiting us here in Wanaka to do some snowboarding?
Most definitely! I’ve spent some time in Wanaka each season for the past 4 or so years and I love it there. Every time I go, it’s like I never left, it feels like a second home cos everyone is always so friendly and welcoming. Plus the snow, and parks and pipes are always world class. With the NZ Winter Games on again I’ll hopefully be representing Australia in Halfpipe as it is an Olympic-qualifying event. How could I not come for a visit!

You're at University studying too, what are you studying? And how to you manage your time with snowboarding too?
Yeah I study online through the University of New England. I’m studying a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science (Clinical Exercise Physiologist). It gets a bit challenging at times, but if I just set some time aside each day for Uni work I manage to keep up with everything, and stay on top of assessments so I don’t get too stressed. I get a lot of support from my lecturers and SportUNE while I’m travelling and competing, so if I can’t hand an assignment in on-time because I’m overseas they’re heaps understanding.

That is cool stuff….

One more thing Amber, I just have to ask – what is your favourite thing about Wanaka?
The atmosphere. Whether you’re in Wanaka for the nightlife and partying, or to be up early and get fresh tracks every morning, there seems to be something for everyone. It is full of people there for a good time, and some world class skiing and boarding so there are always so many people to meet. Pros and world-class athletes head there from all over the world for winter to train and compete, which means there are always opportunities to meet and chat with these awesome individuals. Plus the locals are friendly and keen to help.

Oh and one more thing.. I asked Lauren Staveley this a few weeks ago and its my favourite question now. If you could ride a chair lift with anyone, who would it be and why?
Kazu Kokubo for sure! If I’m riding the lift with him, I’m assuming that I’d get to take some runs with him haha.. and I would love to go snowboarding with Kazu. He has the best style, and kills it at whatever he’s riding whether its pipe, park, backcountry. And I’m sure I could gain a whole lot from taking just one chair ride with him - I’d love to learn about Japanese culture and language, his style, and snowboarding/travelling in general!

I agree Kazu, would be so fantastic to ride the chair lift with - his style rocks! Nice choice. Thanks for your time today Amber and we look forward to seeing you in Wanaka this winter! Now for all you wanting to see Amber in action, just click here for a link to a cool wee video edit of her season - of course it's AWESOME!

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Thu, 16th May 2013

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