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Cheeky Keas

A Kea is a native New Zealand alpine parrot, and is certainly a cheeky wee thing! They live in the South Island of New Zealand, and are often seen in ski resort car parks causing trouble! These little guys are both intelligent and curious. They find much enjoyment from either eating left over car park lunches, or chewing the rubber on your car!

They are truly unique creatures, which stand at about 48 cm tall, with olive green feathers. If you are lucky enough to spot one flying, you will see a brilliant orange colour under their wingspan! They are a protected bird of New Zealand, so don’t try to catch one! We are also not meant to feed these fellas either, especially in the ski car parks. Skier’s lunch is not a good Kea lunch. And we definitely don’t want to encourage them. Otherwise, come the end of the day, you might find all the rubber seals of your car’s windows are pulled off!

Kea Quick Facts:

  • The Kea is the world's only alpine parrot
  • The Kea is an omnivore 
  • They can solve logical puzzles

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Wed, 24th Apr 2013

Comments (1)

Dis is a very intelligent bird and very cheeky 1 aye!

By: Ragh on Thu, 19th Jun 2014 @ 16:48:18

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