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The Art of Building a Snowman

t is unclear as to where or why the snowman originated. However, the oldest evidence of the snowman has been traced all the way back to 1380, where a drawing of one was found in Holland. I can only guess that if we find them fun to build now, they found them fun to build way back then too!

The snowman can be made with as little or as much snow as you choose and is completely a work of art. The snowman usually consists of two, or three, large snowballs stacked on top of each other. The one at the base is the largest, middle smaller and a smaller one at the very top, which is the head. Sticks are typically used as arms, along with carrots for noses, rocks for buttons and for some reason a scarf tied snuggly around the neck to keep him warm?

The key to a good snowman is in the formation of these snowballs. The best thing is to pack a ball together with your hands, then roll it along the ground in fresh snow. The ball will pick up more snow as you roll it, make sure you cover the snowball evenly. This is a fast way to create a giant body for your snowman. Now let your creativity shine and make him look however you choose!

One of the NZ Snow tours staff? Here is a photo of a young girl (yes that’s a girl) in the 80’s making her first snowman at Round Hill, Tekapo. Great outfit! Her snowman is not looking that flash, more like a blob than a snowman... but it looks like she was having trouble seeing as she is not wearing any eye protection!

Round Hill Tekapo is also one of the great ski areas we visit on the Tekapo Adventure.

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Fri, 8th Feb 2013

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