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Snowboarding for the First Time - Should I or Shouldn't I?

If you have never been on snow before the thought of a snowboard holiday can be quite daunting. To travel so far away for an activity such as snowboarding - that you might not even like or be good at! But rest assured, the majority of people have great time on their first snowboard trip. The challenges it brings and the rewards it delivers just cannot be beat. When was the last time you tried something new?

On your first day, lessons are highly recommended for the beginner boarder. This is so you can make the most from your snow holiday. We don’t want you floundering around on the learner's slope for the whole trip. We want you up on the chair lift as fast as possible and lessons are the best way forward. At the end of the first day you will generally be able to stand up on your own and make it down the beginner slope on your snowboard. It may not be pretty and you may have taken a few tumbles to get there, but at that point you are able to claim, “you’re snowboarding!”

I am not going to try and fool you here, on day two your muscles are going to be a little tired! But don’t worry, it doesn't take long for them to warm up. I won’t promise anything, as everyone learns at different speeds, but after taking a lesson in the morning and a good energizing lunch you might just be on the chair lift in the afternoon. Once you hit that stage in the progression, the hard part is over and it’s onwards and upwards for the rest of the week!

Learning to snowboard will make you smile! Learning to snowboard is one of the best things in the world. I know I am a little biased here, but I have many seasons experience as a snowboard instructor. Being able to teach someone and seeing them overcome the challenges and then the confidence it instills in them, is one of the best things ever. The ear-to-ear smile people have when they link their first turns, is just awesome! So go on, give it a go!

If you think skiing might be your thing, stay tuned for next weeks blog – Skiing For the First Time.

Note: If planning to travel with us – NZ Snow Tours, the Wanaka Adventure is a great trip for the beginner snowboarder or skier. It offers excellent learning terrain at the same time as offering a variety of intermediate and challenging terrain if you are traveling with friends who have already boarded or skied before. It’s also super easy, as we organise everything for you!

You may also like to read these related blog links:

  • What Makes Good Ski or Snowboard Pants?
  • What Makes a Good Ski or Snowboard Jacket?
  • Taking Kids Skiing and Snowboarding
  • Ski and Snowboard Outfit Accessories
  • Travel Tips

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Thu, 21st Feb 2013

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