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Snow Love

I love the snow and you love the snow, we all LOVE the snow! So what is it about this white, shimmery, cold stuff that makes us love, smile and just feel so good inside? I pondered this question and here’s what I came up with…

Weather (yes that’s a pun) you’re skiing, snowboarding, sliding down in a rubbish bag or sitting in the café with a warm coffee watching your kids/grandkids play in it, the snow just seems to make us feel so good.

Maybe it’s that feeling of freedom you have, as the cool, crisp, fresh air rushes past while you cruise down the ski slopes. Maybe it’s the sense of calm and peacefulness that comes from being amongst magnificent white soaring mountains. Maybe it’s the freedom of being away from ‘it all’, whatever “it all” may be. Or it might even be that magical disappearance of all your worries as your ski boots click into your skis.

Whatever reasons you may have for loving snow, I understand and I’m with you. And as I ponder more about my own reason for this love, I realise my life has been somewhat snow intensive.

My love of snow has come from continuous evolving reasons. Firstly, from the freedom it gave me. Secondly, from the confidence it gave me. Then it became about the consistent challenges it brought me. But now, and I say this without a doubt of hesitation, I enjoy nothing more than to be able to share my love for the snow with anyone who dares.

Are you in?

 - Paula

Posted By: Paula Mitchell, @ Fri, 23rd Nov 2012

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