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Wanaka Wildflowers

When the snow stops snowing and the sun starts shining it is usually time for us to head away for the summer. After doing back to back ski seasons between New Zealand and France/Colorado for a few years we decided last year to give summer in New Zealand a try. I used to be able to lie on the beach for hours but found myself last summer unable to handle the boiling temperature of 25C that we get in New Zealand. I had to spend most of the summer wandering around with a frozen flannel wrapped around my neck and getting my t-shirts out of the freezer instead of the drawers.

This year we are spending our first summer ever in beautiful Wanaka, which is just as pretty without snow as it is with. Simon has already been for a dip in Lake Hawea (somehow he managed to try the coldest lake around). We are incredibly enjoying the long long daylight hours, it is only November and it is just getting dark at 9.30pm. We have commandeered a mountain bike (thanks Nads!) and are making the most of the great weather to bike to and from town around the lake and next to the river. The wildflowers are beautiful if you are into that sort of thing (being a girl they are right up there with Royal Weddings and chocolate for me!).

The Cromwell races are on this weekend so I am going to don my best hat (no, not a beanie), have a flutter and pray for sun. Afterall, who knows what a day shouting at nags could bring? Although I imagine Simon could probably give you some idea!

Posted By: Angela Schrider, @ Mon, 22nd Nov 2010

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