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Cardrona and Treble Cone Open!

Finally - the long wait between winters is over! Over the last couple of days both of Wanaka's ski areas opened to bluebird skies and fresh powder - YES!

With new snow falling in Wanaka and Queenstown on Wednesday conditions were set for a great day up at Treble Cone on Thursday. Unfortunately, due other work commitments the team from NZ Snow Tours couldn't make it up to TC to experience it (believe it or not there is in fact more to running a snow tour company than just jollying around on skis and snowboards all day!!). By all accounts it was a day not to be missed, the sun was shining and there were freshies to be had - the Saddle was open so it was happy days. The airbag was a great success and looked like a load of fun was had by all. Check out this awesome video made by WanakaTV to see all the action from Treble Cone on Thursday.

Sore about missing Treble Cone's opening day, we were determined not to make the same mistake again with Cardrona on Friday. The morning heralded cloudy and cold, but one must never let low cloud in Wanaka stop you from a day on the slopes. As everyone in Wanaka knows, cloud in town more than likely means that it is a stunning blue day at Cardies with views to die for of soft billowy clouds and mountain tops. So up we drove full of excitement! Other than a windy start (it did die down after an hour or two) conditions were perfect and we had an amazing day riding with our good friend Tracey Barclay. We also managed to catch up with loads of friends who were lucky enough to spend their summer having a winter somewhere else (not that I am complaining or anything, 8 months in the middle of nowhere talking to drunk farmers is just as much fun as riding The Grand Montets in Chamonix - honest!).

Cardrona was not crowded and we managed to get a good two or three hours of fresh lines in before the ski area filled up a bit and start to track out. The snow was in beautiful condition, soft and fluffy - just how we like it. We spent most of the morning in Captains looping a couple of drops that were tres fun with fresh pow to land in, but managed to get all around the ski area including one trip through the brand new tunnel.

There isn't enough snow at the moment to open the new Valley View chairlift - phase two begins next year with full snowmaking coverage right down to the bottom of the new chair. The terrain it will open up is amazing and just from sight it looks as though it almost doubles the amount of vertical drop currently offered by Cardrona - it is going to be awesome when it opens. Ange and Simon

Wanaka is open and the season is all GO.

Posted By: Angela Schrider, @ Sat, 26th Jun 2010

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